How To Book A Deal
Welcome to the Flights From Home family!
What We Do
We are a team of devoted flight experts that alert you of cheap flight deals! Each deal includes detailed booking instructions with links to where you can book your travel directly with reputable sites like or Because we are not a traditional travel agency, we do not book your flights for you. We just give you all the information you need to book travel to destinations all around the world!
Deal Breakdown
Our dedicated team of flight experts scour the internet daily to find the best flight deals available — we then alert you with an email sent directly to your inbox. Each email will include detailed information about the deal, such as departure city and destination, deal price, available travel timeframe, airline options and most importantly, the link to book the flight! You can also access all the current deals by logging into your Flights From Home account and viewing them on your deals dashboard.
Every email you receive will include basic details about each deal including availability, the airlines and stops, baggage fees, and how long we expect the deal to last! It’s important to keep your email notifications on because while some deals stick around for a few days, others are gone within hours, sometimes even minutes!
Tip: To make sure that you don’t miss a deal, check out our premium subscription where deals arrive 30+ minutes earlier!
Each deal will also include a list of suggested travel dates. These dates are usually the cheapest options available. However, there are almost always more available dates to choose from. To find dates that work best for you, click the sample link labeled “Find Deal Here”, and then the calendar in the upper, right-hand corner of the booking page. From there, you can see the dates with the lowest prices and select your itinerary.
Want to book more than one ticket? Easy! Before selecting your flights, click the person icon at the top of the booking page. Select the correct number of passengers and the price will change in relation to the number of people, including tax, for the whole itinerary.
Once you have selected your flights, you can then select how you want to book. We recommend always booking directly through the airline, when possible.
Does the price keep changing when you select your flights? This likely means the deal is not available for your chosen dates or the deal is nearly expired — try different dates! If you can’t get any dates to work, the deal has expired.
The Deals You See
Remember, free email alert subscribers receive 25% of the deals we send out, which is great for anyone casually browsing flight deals with no set travel plans. Premium subscribers receive 100% of the deals we find with early alerts for all deals including mistake fares, rare deals, and weekend and holiday itineraries. Check out premium to make sure you never miss a deal again!
Still have questions?
If you still have questions, our team of knowledgeable flight experts are standing by to answer them and make the booking process as easy as possible. Please let us know if you have any questions by responding to any deal or sending us a quick email at